Hosting A Poker Night Rules

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Hosting A Poker Night Rules How To Play

Every home or casino has it’s own unique house rules besides the general rules. The house rules have to be announced to the players before the game and everyone has to follow them. Sometimes there are different rules for cash games and tournaments. If you don’t want to follow the house rules, you should not play at that house/casino.It is always a good idea to print your house tourney/cash rules and either put them at your bulletin board or have everyone read it.

  1. For instance, your house poker rules can include how many chips to give each player to start the game, penalties for playing or betting out of turn, if and how much a player can buy back in if they go out, when to raise blinds, etc.
  2. Poker rooms continue to pop up in casinos, dog tracks and jai alai frontons around the country. Online poker and local games are becoming easier and easier to find. But hosting a poker night is not as easy as it sounds.
Hosting a poker night rules card game

Hosting A Poker Night Rules Poker

Generally, hosting a poker night in your own home is usually allowed, provided that the host, home owner or anyone else is not benefitting financially from the game. This means you can’t charge players to enter your house or take part in the game, but the players can lawfully bet real money between themselves on the poker game itself. The house rules have to be announced to the players before the game and everyone has to follow them. Sometimes there are different rules for cash games and tournaments. If you don’t want to follow the house rules, you should not play at that house/casino.It is always a good idea to print your house tourney/cash rules and either put them at. But poker night is far from just an evening of cards played by guys haphazardly thrown together to laugh, drink and make money. Poker night, particularly for the host, is the absolute test of manhood. Indeed, hosting poker night is a science, but just like string theory, it can be easily explained to the layman.

Following is a guide to home poker rules that I enforce in my own house games:

Hosting A Poker Night Rules Card Game

  • Smoking is not allowed at the table
  • No spilling drinks. If you spill your drink once, you are banned from any more drinking at the table.
  • The house has the final word over any confusion during the hands.
  • The house can remove anyone from the game in case the players break any of the rules.
  • Anyone caught cheating will be asked to leave the house and they will not get paid out.
  • Keep your cards in front of your chips at all times.
  • Your bet is your first announcement. If you announce $30 raise and put $50, you have to take $20 back.
  • Do not under any circumstances handle/touch other people chips or cards.
  • Only one player to a hand
  • Conduct all the Poker Etiquette
  • No rabbit hunting.
  • English only at the table.
  • The dead button rule will be applied.
  • Keep your larger denomination chips in front of your stack so everyone can see them.
  • No firearms.
  • No use of illegal substances.
  • Do not act out of turn.
  • Do not say the possibilities on the flop until the hand is over. (For example if there is a one card straight, don’t bring it up until the hand is over).
  • If you are in a showdown and you have to show your cards, flip both of them, not just the one that wins you the hand. Basically don’t slow roll.

Cash Game Exclusive Rules

Hosting A Poker Night Rules Against

  • One person, usually the host, handles all the buy-ins and payouts. That is one person only.
  • The buy-ins have to be multiples of $5. Depending on the level of your cash game this can change.
  • Everyone has to buy-in with cash or money orders only. No bank checks, or paychecks accepted.
  • Every player has to call half an hour before he leaves. No exceptions.