Punti Al Poker Texas Hold'em

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In our lesson on the three main betting variations of poker, we used an example where a player in a no-limit game could bet far more than anyone else at the table, provided the player had such an amount. Poker is always played at table stakes, and this means you can only wager the amount of money you have in front of you when the hand begins. It is quite common for a player to run out of money during a hand. If you have more money than another player, it doesn’t mean you can bet them out of the pot because they can’t afford to call your bet. Otherwise the poker player with the most money would always win if he bet all his chips, and it wouldn’t be a very enjoyable game.

Punti Al Poker Texas Hold'em Join the hunt for bonus spins by becoming part Punti Al Poker Texas Hold'em of the CasinoUniverse program. This way, you can manage your gaming account and will always be. The Basic Rules of Poker (Texas Hold’em) By Tim Ryerson. Tim is from London, England and has been playing poker since the late 1990’s. He is the ‘Editor-in.

All-in Bets

When a player puts all his chips into the pot he is said to be “all-in”. The important thing to know is that a player can never be bet out of a pot because he always has the option to call for all of his chips. For example, a player with $50 goes all-in, and everyone folds apart from a player who only has $30 left:

Figure 1

Punti Al Poker Texas Hold

This player cannot match the $50 bet, but he can also go all-in for his last $30. When nobody else is involved, the first player would get back the unmatched $20 bet (i.e. his bet is $30 rather than $50). This is shown in figure 2, below:


Figure 2

In this example the shorter-stack wins the pot, but the surplus $20 is returned to player 5.

The whole point of this is that players can take back any extra money when another player is all-in for less, when nobody else has called. The same applies to an extreme no limit example, where a player might bet $10,000 in a $1/$2 game. Here’s an example where it’s folded around to the big blind, who has $10 remaining in his stack.


Figure 3

He has $12 in total and clearly can’t match the $10,000 – but he can go all-in. If he does then the player with $10,000, would take back $9,988. No more betting would take place, as there isn’t anything left to wager. After the flop, turn and river, the player with the best hand would win the $25 pot ($12 from each plus the small blinds $1).

Side Pots

It can be a little more complicated when there’s more than two players involved in a hand. This is when a side pot is created for the other players, and any further bets cannot be won by the all-in player. The all-in player is eligible for the main pot only.

Joc Poker Texas Hold'em

Take a look at figure 4, below, which shows three players remaining in a hand. Two players have $50 each, and another has just $10 remaining. In this example the pot already contains $40 from the previous betting rounds. Player 5 makes a bet of $20:

Figure 4

Player 6 only has $10 but he can call for his last $10 (and would therefore be “all in”) or fold. If player 6 decides to go all-in for his last $10, then the last active player (player 7), who has $50, can call, but must call for $20, which is the original bet, or he can raise. If he calls then a side pot is created, as is shown in figure 5:

Figure 5

The main pot now contains $70, which is made up of the existing $40 in the pot, plus $10 x 3. Player 6 is “all in” and can only win this main pot. A side pot containing the extra $20 is created, and can only be won by the players who contributed to this side pot (players 5 and 7). The next card will be dealt and further betting will take place. Any further bets are added to this side pot, and not the main pot. Players 5 and 7, who contributed to the side pot, can win the side pot and the main pot, if their hand beats the “all in” player. If player 6 has the winning hand after the final betting round, then he will win the $70 pot, but the side pot will be won by either player 5 or player 7.


There has been quite a bit of information in this lesson, which to the uninitiated could be confusing. As soon as you start playing poker you’ll quickly become familiar with these betting basics because they occur very frequently. Sometimes there can be lots of different side pots during a hand involving lots of different players – whether it’s limit, pot limit, or no limit poker. This is because not everyone has the same amount of chips – and players who have fewer chips than an opponent cannot win more from a player than they contributed themselves. The important thing to remember is that a player can never be bet out of hand because he doesn’t have enough to call.

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By Tim Ryerson

Tim is from London, England and has been playing poker since the late 1990’s. He is the ‘Editor-in-Chief’ at Pokerology.com and is responsible for all the content on the website.


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Poker is sweeping the nation. Texas Hold’em poker tournaments are cropping up all across the country and Alabama is no different. Spurred on by the enormous popularity of celebrity poker tournaments on television, poker has moved out of the back room and casinos and into the home. A simple revue of the television schedule will reveal a number of poker events being broadcast, from celebrity Texas hold’em, to high stakes poker tourneys, the popularity of poker just seems to be going up and up. The sports channels are filled with them to the point where they rival NASCAR events! It doesn’t seem to be letting up either. In almost every city there are poker events to attend or participate in and Alabama is no different in this regard. The state has its share of poker tourneys too, all you have to do is check the local papers and you are sure to find some bar, pub or restaurant holding an event. And with a more than a couple of casinos in Alabama, there is always a place where you can enjoy a good game of Texas Hold’em.

There are a few leagues and clubs scattered around the state of Alabama. For instance, you will find a the local poker tournaments put on by ALL IN Alabama to be a great way to meet other locals playing poker and hold'em.

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There are a few gambling establishments in Alabama, mostly in the Indian community. All the normal gambling activities can be found in these and most will offer Poker rooms or Poker Tourneys. Texas Hold’em features heavily in these.

Poker Texas Facebook

With the lack of poker clubs or stand alone poker rooms in Alabama, Texas Hold’em tourneys and poker tournaments are most likely to be found in private residences. All across the state people are getting together to play poker at home with their friends. Where once poker night was merely a guy’s night out, poker tourneys are now this decade’s Trivial Pursuit! Poker is out of the closet and backroom and has now become a social event. On any given Friday or Saturday there are any number of Texas holdem tourneys going on. It is important to note that gambling in Alabama is illegal and playing for money of course is also considered outside the law, so the casual player is cautioned that playing for stakes is a risky venture. Play your friends for chips or some other non-monetary counters in order to stay within the law and you should have no problem.

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Prompted by the new-found popularity of poker, charity organizations are now capitalizing on the large draw of Texas Hold’em tournaments and holding their own poker tourneys to bring in the crowds. For a fee, anyone can now join in and enter a tournament and feel good knowing that the proceeds are going to a good cause. Now Alabama’s strict gambling laws put a damper on this somewhat, but charity events can still be found if you take the time to look for them. Most notably, there are poker runs organized by the many biker organizations in the state.