Gauteng Gambling Board Vacancies

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Historically, the Gauteng Gambling Board collected levies and paid this over to Phumelela – which is the sole holder of a totalisator and race meeting licence in Gauteng. The Gauteng government has since reviewed this practice and decided that these public funds will be utilised by the Gauteng government. The gambling industry continues to make a positive economic impact on the Gauteng economy. During the 2014/2015 financial year, the gambling industry in Gauteng had a direct impact of R6.9 billion on economic production. In total, the operation of the gambling industry in Gauteng raised the level of production by approximately R18.4 billion.

Gauteng Gambling Board Vacancies 2020/2021

The Gauteng Gambling Board is a statutory body established in terms of section 3 of the Gauteng Gambling Act, No 4 of 1995 as amended.
Prior to August 1996 betting on horse-racing and other sporting events was the only form of legal gambling in Gauteng. During August 1996 the Gauteng Gambling Act 1995 (Act No 4 of 1995), was promulgated. This Act legalised other forms of gambling in the Province and provided for the establishment of the Gauteng Gambling Board.
Gauteng Gambling Board Vacancies

To be the leading and innovative regulator in the gambling industry.


Gauteng Gambling Board Vacancies

Mission Statement

To regulate the industry in a transparent, fair, equitable and competent manner for the benefit of all stakeholders.

How We Want to be Percieved

As regulators of the industry, we pursue without compromise the goal that South Africa generally and Gauteng in particular should maintain an impeccable status as a gambling jurisdiction in the world.

Our Values

The Board ascribes to the following principle values:

Integrity and Consistency
Gauteng gambling board vacancies eastern capeGauteng Gambling Board Vacancies

We behave in a trustworthy manner where honesty, fairness, mutual respect, equability and transparency are the corner stones of our daily engagements with the people at all levels internal and external to our direct work environment.

Service Excellence

We provide our services in a responsible, competent and considerate manner in response to the needs of our stakeholders and the gambling industry in general.

  • We enable and encourage people to make well informed and responsible decisions through optimal utilisation of resources and information resources
  • We accept accountability for our actions and decisions
  • We make a conscious effort to embrace opportunities of transformation and diversity in every aspect of our business.
Employee Centricity

We recognise our employess as our most valuable resource


Gauteng Gambling Board Vacancies Bhopal

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